Si ahorro 50 € al mes desde hoy, ¿cuánto tendré cuando me jubile?

If I start saving up €50 per month today, how much will I have when I retire?

Every recipe has ingredients that are the key to success and time and engagement are always at the top of the list. In financial matters like savings, broadly speaking, there aren’t any secret tricks or formulae, you only need time and perseverance. So you can see for yourself how saving €50 a month now will provide you with extra income that will turn into the best nest egg for your future.  Get going straight away! 



This is a hypothetical case of a pension scheme that will yield an estimated average return of 3.4% with deposits increasing by 2% every year. And the final savings are calculated setting the retirement age at 67. 

So you see, there are no tricks to save up other than starting as soon as possible. This is the only secret to improving your retirement. Remember that your savings can work for you and that’s why perseverance is essential to achieve your goal. Our example shows how you can see your money grow by only depositing €50 a month. This will give you a more than satisfactory and interesting nest egg to tackle anything the future brings. In case you’re wondering, €50 is enough to make it profitable and complete your pension.





Asset Publisher

  • How much do people save on average in Spain?

    • Savings in Spain have changed depending on the country’s social context at the time. The pandemic was a turning point in terms of savings, but families save up nearly 12% of what they earn, according to the Spanish Statistics Institute (INE). It’s the highest rate and it’s double than before the pandemic. So uncertainty has led people to save up, improving Spanish people’s habits.
  • How much money should one save at 30?

    • The amount of savings will depend on one’s income, but some analysts and experts recommend saving an amount equal to one’s annual salary every five years and increase the savings capacity every year, so one would have a nice little nest egg having started at the age of 30 saving 100% of an annual salary every so many years.
  • What’s the 50-30-20 rule?

    • This is a basic savings rule to divide your net monthly income into three types of expenditure: 50% for needs, 30% for treats and 20% for savings. This way you can easily calculate how much you spend, see where you’ve overspent each month and how to improve. It’s very useful, especially to acquire good habits, avoid squandering money and always have some savings for unexpected events.
  • How much does one usually save up per month?

    • The amount you save will depend on how much you earn. So if you earn €800 per month, you can save at least 10%, which is a minimum €80 per month, but if you wish, you can save as much as 40%. If you earn over €1,200, you can save between 15% and 45% of your income. Therefore, even if it all depends on your situation and your fixed spending, you can stretch your income more or less.

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